I am a mom, I am 40. How do you find time in your busy life to workout?

I am a mom, I am 40. How do you find time in your busy life to workout?

Finding time in your busy life to get your workout in maybe a big struggle for busy moms.

This is one of the things that I have hear a lot. We moms have a busy life and little by little we let go of ourselves and find excuses on not doing what is good for our body.

I was actually guilty of this when I become a mom, I used to exercise all the time plus my metabolism was good enough to keep the weight off. However, me after kids: I am tired, I have to wash clothes, I am cooking, I want to sleep.

We are an excuse machine maker! But let me tell you that it will get worse as kids grow because more of their activities will get in your way.

As of today I have managed to incorporate a Fitness routine that is part of my life and I can still spend time with my husband a kids.

So, what is the solution????? 

Your time is as valuable as your time for your kids and husband!

You need to find time for yourself

How much time do I need?

Well it depends on how much time you want to dedicate to it, but it could be as little as 20 minutes a day, for at least 3 days a week!

Your results will start showing depending on the time you dedicate to your body. And it has to be both, what you eat and how active you are. But let’s concentrate today on talking about finding time to exercise.

My experience says that you need to start slow and build up as you learn, and get your body use to it.

If you are a beginner and start exercising 1 hour 6 times a week your body will be exhausted and you may have possibilities in quitting soon.

This will also applies to people who used to exercise and then it stopped for a while. The best is to come back little by little.

Steps to finding time in your busy life

1- Find a time in your day where you will be able to dedicate time to you with no interruptions

I workout usually in the morning when everybody is sleeping so I have my alone time. However, sometimes I workout later in the day so I make my kids exercise with me.

2- Make a Commitment to at least 3 days a week where you are going to get your workout in

Making excuses is really easy but you are just failing you, if you are determined to exercise you have to commit to it. Put it in your schedule, announce it to everybody so they know to give you your space and time plus it helps making it accountable.

3- Make weekly or monthly goals

As you get use to having exercises as your normal routine, start adding some challenges. Maybe one more day, or 10 more minutes, more cardio. When you add to your goals and challenges you will always be pushing and it will be less likely to be boring.

4- Do something you enjoy doing

Pick an exercise that you enjoy, so you do not fell like quitting. I love body combat and also weight lifting. Some people love dancing! So, they do Zumba!

The best thing is enjoying exercising so it does not feel like a chore.

Clase Gratis

  • Descubre cómo lograr una dieta que se adapte a tu estilo de vida para así perder peso de una manera sostenible.


Hola! Mi nombre es Siuyi! A pesar de siempre amar hacer ejercicios siempre he batallado para estar en forma dieta tras dieta. Hasta que finalmente descubrí el sistema para seguir disfruntando la comida, con ejercicios efectivos y tener mi peso ideal sin sentir restricciones, tan solo aprendiendo como controlar cantidad y calidad de mi alimentacion. Ahora ayudo mujeres a tener una vida saludable y a tomar el control de su cuerpo