5 Ways To Help You Lose Weight Starting Today

5 Ways To Help You Lose Weight Starting Today

And one day you notice those pants you love do not fit anymore!

You panic and decide tomorrow you start eating a salad every day and you will get back in your pants in no time.

However, after 3 days of eating just salad, you are ready for something different. You decide to go off your diet just for lunch.

Then at dinner, you are like - oh well, I already mess up my day. I’ll start back tomorrow - Then, the next day, you do the same. Two weeks has pass and you still not fitting in your pants!

Sounds familiar? What should you do?

The important fact is that you made a decision to do something about it. The only thing you need is a more realistic plan so you can stick to it.

In order to be successful, it has to be a change that is possible for you to follow.

I understand what you are going through, I have been there.

I love eating, and actually enjoy a really good salad, but I can’t eat just that all the time!

Eating is much more than just eating. It is enjoy cooking a good meal, it is time with family, it is fueling your body with nutrients, and so much more.

Five ways to help you lose those extra pounds

Drink more water

Photo by 21 swan on Unsplash

Water will help you flush your toxins; it will help control your appetite while you get to your next meal.

In addition,  you will have better productivity and will perform better at exercising. Water also helps with better digestion.

It is also cero calories! So, when you are having your meal you can accompany with water, so you do not have to worry about those calories. Add some lemon, for more flavor

Plan how many meals you are eating

Photo by Ello on Unsplash

Deciding how many meals you will have a day can help with being able to make a schedule and know exactly when you are eating.

Also, you can balance all your carbs, protein and fat intakes throughout your day.

It will depend on how many hours you are awake but spacing your meals every 3 hours is great to boost your metabolism and keep your body fueled.

Make a schedule you can follow

Skipping meals will make you be hungry for your next meal and you will probably start craving bad stuff.

Make a realistic schedule for your meals that you know you will 100% follow.

Also, that regularity will help your body process the food better.

plan balanced meals

Your body needs energy which it gets form your food intake. It is not all about calories, it is about what kind of energy you are giving to your body.

Macronutrients place an important role since each one is designed to help your body with different functions.

Make sure you are taking in consideration how much protein, carbs and fat you are giving your body.

look at your portion sizes

The best way to start is actually weighting your food with a kitchen food scale. That way you can see the right amount you are eating.

Look at the labels of your food and look at the serving size so you have an idea.

For example, peanut butter is a great source of healthy fat but 16 grams or 1 tablespoon is 100 calories so being aware of that will help with your portion sizes.

Are you ready?

I know all this may seem so simple, but you really need to understand it to do it right. I used to think I drank a lot of water, until I was able to set a goal. A gallon a day! I struggled at the beginning, but I can easily do it now!

I thought before I was eating balanced until I realized how much carbs, fat and protein I needed. I was short on some, and eating too much on others.

My point is that losing weight take times and consistency. You can follow these 5 tips for a great start!

Clase Gratis

  • Descubre cómo lograr una dieta que se adapte a tu estilo de vida para así perder peso de una manera sostenible.


Hola! Mi nombre es Siuyi! A pesar de siempre amar hacer ejercicios siempre he batallado para estar en forma dieta tras dieta. Hasta que finalmente descubrí el sistema para seguir disfruntando la comida, con ejercicios efectivos y tener mi peso ideal sin sentir restricciones, tan solo aprendiendo como controlar cantidad y calidad de mi alimentacion. Ahora ayudo mujeres a tener una vida saludable y a tomar el control de su cuerpo