How to enjoy your diet food and stop craving the bad one

How to enjoy your diet food and stop craving the bad one

You are determined to eat healthy and get rid of those extra pounds that make you so frustrated.

You’ve been doing so good and you are proud of your discipline.

Results are actually starting to show up your hard work, and people is starting to notice your new body.

But there is a big problem; you are starting to crave the bad food!

You know… the food that is bad for your health. Sugary drinks, pizza, white bread, candy,

All your hard work is about to fail. You starting to get anxiety and craves.

You’re starting to miss your old bad food habits.

It feels impossible you can make it without that burger, or the delicious desert or the bread!

And to make it worse, you were just invited to a party and they are serving your favorite food!

And what about social drinking?

You wonder how do other people do it? Maybe this is not for you and you just going to forget about it!

Maybe it is just better to stay home unhappy but with no temptations,

I hear you! I’ve been there. I mean… why do people decide to party when I am on a diet!

I am sure if you are like me you are feeling deprived, and your mood is probably not the best.

How to enjoy your diet food and stop craving the bad one

Well, let me tell you I found a way to make my diet not so impossible.

A simple trick that will help you enjoy your healthy eating and be able to get back in shape.

Today, I will tell you my formula to modify few things so you can be happy, fit and still eat healthy.

Burgers? Sure.

Pizza? why not?

Dessert? Oh yes!

And the best is that you will be on track to lose weight and stay in shape.

Transform what you crave and find a healthy way

There are some ways to still enjoy what you like but making some changes to make it healthier.

I remember one day my husband and I came home after a long and busy day.

He said he was craving a burger. I am not going to lye. I was so hungry and tired, I just wanted one too!

We had some ground beef in the fridge so I asked him to make me a patty too. Instead of using the regular white bread bun, I took my whole grain Sara Lee 45 calories bread. I sliced some tomatoes, add lettuce a bit of low sugar ketchup. It was delicious!

I know, I know... you were expecting for me to say you could have that grease burger… right? Well, sorry to break the news. To be in shape we need to be away from bad habits.

In addition, I actually felt amazing. I got to have my delicious burger, and I was not feeling guilty.

I was able to enjoy the same meal with my husband with few modifications.

There are many substitutions you can make that will allow you eat healthy. For example, I still eat my corn flakes cereal for breakfast, but I use almond milk instead of regular milk. I just add now ½ banana instead of 1 whole banana. I add some protein powder to the milk, so I have a balance protein, carb, fat meal.

And if you are craving some pizza, you could use a low carb tortilla or a whole grain pita bread. Add some marinate sauce, skim mozzarella cheese, and your toppings. Put in the oven, and enjoy your healthy pizza. 

Add some healthy sweets

You can make your own desserts as well so you make sure they are healthy. I know it is easier to just buy some good treats.

However, by making them yourself you make sure you are using healthy ingredients.

There are hundreds of ideas in Pinterest. But I will give you some examples of what I do so you can get the idea.

I love having something sweet after eating, or for snack. I like to use Chobani plain Greek yogurt mixed with stevia and adding some almonds and dark chocolate.

Fruits are great snack, banana with peanut butter, apple with peanut butter, fruit smoothies, frozen fruit and yogurt.

If you like protein shakes, those are great for your sweet cravings. Strawberry cheesecake shake, peanut butter and chocolate shake, you can even make some baking using protein powder!

The main fact is that you need to find a substitute for those desserts so you can be heathy but still happy!

In addition, remember to add a treat meal every week, so you can enjoy that craving you may have. Just remember it is just a meal and not a treat day!

Look at your portion sizes

portion sizes

Sometimes is not about what you eat but how much you eat.

You could be eating just lettuce, but if you eat 3000 calories worth of lettuce and you just burn 2000 calories, you will gain weight,

With that said, watching out for your portion size can help a lot. You can really eat anything but in the right amount.

I love pasta, so I get a serving of ¾ of a cup of thin spaghetti, with marinara sauce and 3 oz. of cooked shrimps.

Use vegetables also to help you complete your meal.

I am not huge fan of brown rice, so I eat ½ or ¾ of cup pf jasmine rice, with 100 grams of chicken breast for example.

The idea is to measure what you eat, so you are not going over your calorie goal.

This way you can still eat what your family eats, but in the right amount for your body.

Clase Gratis

  • Descubre cómo lograr una dieta que se adapte a tu estilo de vida para así perder peso de una manera sostenible.


Hola! Mi nombre es Siuyi! A pesar de siempre amar hacer ejercicios siempre he batallado para estar en forma dieta tras dieta. Hasta que finalmente descubrí el sistema para seguir disfruntando la comida, con ejercicios efectivos y tener mi peso ideal sin sentir restricciones, tan solo aprendiendo como controlar cantidad y calidad de mi alimentacion. Ahora ayudo mujeres a tener una vida saludable y a tomar el control de su cuerpo