Fitness Routine: How to start and keep it for live

Fitness Routine: How to start and keep it for live

Did you finally made the decision to have a healthy life but do not know how to start a fitness routine?

Do you find yourself quitting because you see no results or motivation?

Do you struggle to find time for your workouts?

In this blog I will give you 4 actions to follow through out your fitness journey, so you can stick with a fitness routine for life!

My name is Siuyi Jamail and I like to help you be inspired and motivated to have an active and healthy lifestyle.

I have always been very active. However, when other responsibilities start to pile up... kids, dinner, husband, and work; it starts getting harder to find time for my workouts.

I found myself making excuses not to do it:

  • I’ll do it tomorrow,
  • I’ll do it when I get home,
  • I’ll start back Monday,

and so many more excuses. I ended up doing nothing.

Finally, one day I realized Compromise and Consistency were really the key. I just needed to make a plan and make it happen. Even if it was just 20 min, 3 times a week.

Once a made that decision to make a change, I started a plan right away.

First, I knew I have to make a commitment because I wanted to be healthy and loose some pounds

Second, I decided to do At-home workouts so I did not have to waste time driving.

Third, I scheduled 20 minutes every morning before kids were awake. I also decided to do it 4 days a week.

Forth, I check what I had available at home to start my workout and bought the things that I needed but did not have!

I was determined to make this happen!

Once I made it a routine, I started to add more days and time, and more equipment as I went!

Fast forward to now. I exercises now 5 to 6 times a week for 1 hour or more, and I have built my own little home gym!

You can do the same, and here is how! Follow these 4 actions to make your fitness routine be a habit and part of your life.

It is simple, is the Why, What, When, and How!


The first thing you need to do is to know WHY are you doing this. Why do you need to start a fitness routine?

Are you looking to lose some pounds? did the doctor said you needed to lose weight? do you want to be and feel healthy?

Once you have defined your why it will be easier to make a Decision to start a fitness routine. It will be your commitment!

Your commitment will be as strong as your Why is


Once you have decided and you are ready to start with your fitness routine you need to make a plan. This will be your WHAT am I doing to make this happen?

Planning is key for everything we do in life! When people make plans is more possible things will happen.

So, WHAT kind of exercise are you planning to do? You need to pick something that will make you happy, something that you like doing!

Some people love intense, others like slow and flexible, or dancing!. I love doing weight lifting! 

There is so many kinds of exercises you could do! Pick one and become an expert on it!

Here a little list for you:




Weight training





Body Combat

Body Pump


Next step is to make time for your workouts! WHEN are you doing this?

Let’s look at your schedule and find a time to fit your fitness routine in it.

It is similar to making a doctor appointment. You know that time is set for that and will not use it for anything else!

First pick from morning, afternoon, or evenings.

Then decide how much time. Try at least 20 minutes.

Pick which days of the weeks you will do your workouts.

Put it in your calendar! Remember this is a time for you. 

Tell hubby, kids and friends to leave you alone during this block of time! Or do it in a time when nobody can bother you.


Final step is HOW to do it. You are probably not an expert, and have no idea on how to start. This is when you get an expert to tell you what to do.

There are so many ways to do this! And it will absolutely depend on what kind of exercise you choose.

Enrolling in a gym is a good way to start since you will have equipment and trainers available for you.

However, if you want to have more freedom with time and schedule you could get some fitness DVD and workout at home.

YouTube is also great to find some great workouts to follow!

Working out at home has been very convenient for me, since I get to do it first thing in the morning when everyone is sleeping.

Make sure you also have all the necessary equipment and appropriated activewear to perform your exercises.

Your exercise equipment will depend on the activity you have chosen, and where are you going to exercise.

Activewear is really important to consider since they are made with special fabric that are designed to wick away moisture, keeping your sweat off.

Most of them are also purposely tight and compressed so they do not get caught on machines or blow up with the wind on outdoor activities

If you want to know about the activewear that changed my life, boosted my confidence and motivation feel free to head over my website here.

I absolute love this brand! It tightens, and lift in the right places!

I do get a commission from it but at no cost for you. It will help me to keep creating free content for you!

Plus, you are helping a small business owner like me! I promise I would do a little happy dance at home.

Did You GEt Some Value?

I sure hope you did!

Follow these 4 actions and you will be ready to jump start your fitness routine!

Let me know your thoughts, I would love to hear from you

If you have any questions, I will be glad to help CONTACT ME

Clase Gratis

  • Descubre cómo lograr una dieta que se adapte a tu estilo de vida para así perder peso de una manera sostenible.


Hola! Mi nombre es Siuyi! A pesar de siempre amar hacer ejercicios siempre he batallado para estar en forma dieta tras dieta. Hasta que finalmente descubrí el sistema para seguir disfruntando la comida, con ejercicios efectivos y tener mi peso ideal sin sentir restricciones, tan solo aprendiendo como controlar cantidad y calidad de mi alimentacion. Ahora ayudo mujeres a tener una vida saludable y a tomar el control de su cuerpo